dephell project upload

Upload project dist archives on PyPI or another pypi-compatible storage.

Upload on

First of all, register on PyPI and add your credentials:

dephell self auth my_username my_password

Pro tip: add a space before the command and bash won’t store it in the history (read more).

Don’t forget bump project version and build dist archives. And after that you can upload created dist archives on PyPI:

dephell project upload

Upload on

TestPyPI is an ephemeral instance that allows you to experiment a bit with uploading and installing of your package. Specify upload.url as test or to use it:

dephell project upload --upload-url=test

Upload in a private repository

For example, upload on Artifactory):

$ dephell self auth "" "my-secret-api-key"
dephell project upload --upload-url=""

API Token

To keep your PyPI password secure you can generate API token in your account settings and use it instead:

dephell self auth "__token__" "pypi-my-secret-token"

This is required if you’re using 2FA on PyPI.

Dist files lookup

DepHell gets project name and version from the from dependency file and makes on the base of it pattern to find dist files in dist directory in the project root. So, from config option is required for this command. If you have no dephell config, you have to explicitly specify it:

dephell project upload

Or better is explicitly specify dist file:

$ dephell project upload --from-format=sdist --from-path=./dist/release-name.tar.gz
$ dephell project upload --from-format=wheel --from-path=./dist/release-name.whl

See also

  1. Configuration and parameters to understand how DepHell configuration works.
  2. dephell project bump to bump project version.
  3. dephell project build to build release dist packages.
  4. dephell self auth to provide credentials for the command.