dephell project test

Test project package.

  1. Get project dependencies from from.
  2. Attach dependencies from and.
  3. Build wheel package.
  4. Detect pythons to run. By default, all installed pythons that supported by project. You can limit it by one python version with --python.
  5. For every python:
    1. Make temporary virtual environment.
    2. Copy inside test files specified in tests.
    3. Install package from wheel.
    4. Install test command.
    5. Run command from command in config.

Use dephell venv run instead of this command if you want to run tests for current code without many pythons, temporary environments, and creating package.


DepHell contains next environment in the config:

# read dependencies from poetry format
from = {format = "poetry", path = "pyproject.toml"}
# copy files that requred for tests
tests = ["tests", ""]
# run command `pytest`
command = "pytest -x tests/"

And next lines in the poetry config:

name = "dephell"
version = "0.3.2"
# ...

python = ">=3.5"
# ...

You can run tests on this environment by the next command:

$ dephell project test --env=pytest
INFO creating wheel...
INFO get interpreters
INFO create venv (python=3.7.0)
INFO copy files (path=tests)
INFO copy files (
INFO install project (path=/home/gram/Documents/dephell/dist/dephell-0.3.2-py3-none-any.whl)
INFO executable not found, installing (executable=pytest)
INFO run tests (command=['pytest', '-x', 'tests/'])

If you have installed python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 then this command will test your code on 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. Also, you can explicitly specify required python:

dephell project test --traceback --env=pytest --python=3.7

See also

  1. dephell venv run to run tests for current codebase without complicated isolation.
  2. dephell deps convert for details how DepHell converts dependencies from one format to another.
  3. Python lookup for details how you can specify Python version for commands.
  4. Full list of config parameters