dephell deps licenses

This command shows license for all your project’s dependencies (from from section of current environment) in JSON format. Dephell detects the same license described in the different ways, like “MIT” and “MIT License”, and combine these dependencies together. Dephell shows licenses for all project’s dependencies including dependencies of dependencies.

$ dephell deps licenses

INFO resolved
  "Apache-2.0": [
  "Python Software Foundation License": [

If you want to process this JSON to other tool disable dephell’s helping output with --level and --silent arguments:

$ dephell deps licenses --level=WARNING --silent | jq --compact-output '."Apache-2.0"'

This example uses jq to filter only one license from output. However, for simple filtering by license name you can just pass this name as positional argument in the command:

$ dephell deps licenses --filter="Apache-2.0"

INFO resolved