# Parameters list Parameters represented as CLI arguments. To make config file parameter name from CLI name just strip `--` from the begining and split by `-`. For example, `--cache-path=.cache --` and `--project=./dephell` can be written in the next way: ```toml [tool.dephell.main] cache = {path = ".cache"} project = "./dephell" ``` To make sure which of these options accepted by some command use `dephell COMMAND --help`. For example, `dephell deps convert --help`. ## Select config file and environment + `-c`, `--config` -- path to config file. + `-e`, `--env` -- environment in config. Of course, you can use this options only in CLI. You can't specify path to config in the config :) ## Paths to dependencies + `--from` -- path or format for reading requirements. If it is format then dephell will scan current directory to find out file that can be parsed by this converter. If it is filename then dephell will automatically determine file format. + `--from-format` -- format for reading requirements. See [deps convert](cmd-deps-convert) command documentation for full list of accepted formats. + `--from-path` -- path to input file. + `--to` -- path or format for writing requirements. + `--to-format` -- output requirements file format. + `--to-path` -- path to output file. + `--sdist-ratio` -- ratio of tests and project size after which tests will be excluded from sdist. By default is 2 that means tests will be included while their size less than doubled package size. Commands that accept these parameters: + Only `deps convert` accepts `from` and `to` at the same time. + `deps install` prefers `to` option if available. This is because when you specified in config file source dependencies in `from` and locked dependencies in `to` then, of course, you want to install dependencies from lock file. However, if `to` (and `to-format` and `to-file`) isn't specified in the config and CLI arguments then `from` will be used. + `deps licenses` uses dependencies from `from`, lock them and shows licenses specified on PyPI. + `jail install`, `venv create`, `venv run`, and `venv shell` commands use `from` to determine preferred python version for project. ## Resolver and API + `--strategy` -- algorithm to select best release. Available values: `min` and `max`. By default is `max`, because almost all resolvers uses this strategy. Read blog post [Minimal Version Selection](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs) for details about `min` strategy. + `--prereleases` -- allow prereleases. + `--mutations` -- maximum mutations when trying to resolve conflicts. 200 by default. + `--warehouse` -- warehouse URLs or local paths to archives with releases. + `--bitbucket` -- bitbucket API URL. Dephell isn't use Bitbucket API yet, but option already available. + `--repo` -- force repository for first-level dependencies. Useful when you want to use `conda` instead of `pypi` (for example, in [dephell package search](cmd-package-search) command). ## Virtual environment + `--venv` -- path to venv directory for project. Replacements: + `{project}` will be replaced by the project name (name of path from `project` option, this is name of the current directory by default). + `{digest}` will be replaced by the short 4-letters digest of the project path to avoid conflicts for the projects with the same name in different locations. + `{env}` will be replaced by current environment (`main` by default). + `--python` -- python version for venv. This can be reloaded in the dependencies file. + `--dotenv` -- path to a [.env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv) file. Will be sourced on a venv activation. + `vars` (config only) -- dict of environment variables to pass in virtual environment. ## Docker + `--docker-repo` -- image name without tag to use for [Docker-based commands](index-docker). + `--docker-tag` -- image tag. + `--docker-container` -- container name. By default, automatically generated from the project name. ## Project upload + `--upload-url` -- URL of API endpoint to use to upload dist. + `--sign` -- a flag indicates that dists must be signed before uploading. + `--identity` -- GPG identity to use to sign dists. ## Output + `--format` -- output format. + `--level` -- minimal level for log messages. Available levels: `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR` and `EXCEPTION`. `INFO` by default. `DEBUG` and `INFO` writes in the stdout, other levels in the stderr. + `--nocolors` -- do not color output. + `--table` -- format output as a nice ASCII table. + `--silent` -- suppress any output except errors. Disables progress bar for resolver. + `--filter` -- [filter for JSON output](filters). + `--traceback` -- show traceback for exceptions. + `--pdb` -- run [pdb](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html) when critical exception occurred. Other: + `--owner` -- name of the owner. + `--cache-path` -- path to dephell cache. + `--cache-ttl` -- Time to live for releases list cache (in seconds). 1 hour by default. + `--project` -- path to the current project. Current directory by default. + `--bin` -- path to the dir for installing scripts. + `--ca` -- path to a custom [CA bundle](https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/986/69/what-is-ca-bundle) file. If provided, will be used for both `requests` and `aiohttp`. + `--envs` -- environments (`main`, `dev`) or extras to install or convert. + `--tests` -- path to test files for [dephell project test](cmd-project-test) command. + `--versioning` -- versioning scheme for project. See [dephell project bump](cmd-project-bump) for details. + `--tag` -- template for git tag to use in [dephell project bump](cmd-project-bump). + `command` (config-only) -- default command to run in [dephell venv run](cmd-venv-run) and [dephell docker run](cmd-docker-run). + `--vendor-exclude` -- dependencies that shouldn't be [vendorized](index-vendor). + `--vendor-path` -- path to store vendorized dependencies.. ## Default values Default values a little bit varies for different systems. Please, use [inspect config](cmd-inspect-config) to view your actual config for current system, project and environment.