# Installation Stable version ```bash curl -L dephell.org/install | python3 ``` It will install DepHell into DepHell's jail ([WE NEED TO GO DEEPER](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-need-to-go-deeper)). If installation script doesn't work: ```bash python3 -m pip install --user dephell[full] ``` This command installs DepHell globally, without virtual environment. Extra `full` is optional and installs some dependencies that isn't required, but makes DepHell a little bit better. So, if you can't install by the recommend way and have some conflicts with your global modules, install without it: ```bash python3 -m pip install --user dephell ``` ## Get development version Install dev version inside of site-packages: ```bash curl -L dephell.org/install > install.py python3 install.py --branch=master ``` Or get whole project and teach Python to use it: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/dephell/dephell.git $ cd dephell $ sudo python3 -m pip install -e . ```