# dephell venv entrypoint The command creates a script in user bin dir that does the next things: 1. Export env vars that specified in `vars` dictionary in the config. 1. Sources dotenv file specified in `dotenv` configuration. 1. Changes current dir for the command on the project path. 1. Runs `command` in the `venv`. Before making the script, the command also does a few more things: 1. Creates the given `venv` if it doesn't exist yet. 1. Installs the given executable from the `command` if it's not installed in the `venv` yet. ## Example DepHell itself has the next section in `pyproject.toml`: ```toml [tool.dephell.typing] from = {format = "poetry", path = "pyproject.toml"} command = "mypy --ignore-missing-imports --allow-redefinition dephell" ``` First of all, let's create a virtual environment and install dependencies: ```bash $ dephell venv create --env=typing $ dephell deps install --env=typing ``` And now we can expose entrypoint for the command: ```bash $ dephell venv entrypoint --env=typing WARNING executable is not found in venv, trying to install... (executable=mypy) INFO build dependencies graph... INFO installation... (executable=/home/gram/.local/share/dephell/venvs/dephell-nLn6/typing/bin/python3.8, packages=5) Collecting mypy-extensions==0.4.3 Collecting typed-ast==1.4.1 Collecting typing-extensions== Collecting mypy==0.770 Installing collected packages: mypy-extensions, typed-ast, typing-extensions, mypy Successfully installed mypy-0.770 mypy-extensions-0.4.3 typed-ast-1.4.1 typing-extensions- INFO installed INFO script created (path=/home/gram/.local/bin/dephell-mypy) ``` MyPy isn't specified in `from` dependency file and wasn't installed by `dephell deps install`. So, `dephell venv entrypoint` does the installation by itself. Another thing to note is that the command has generated script name on the base of project name and the given executable (`dephell-mypy`). You can explicitly specify binary name to use: ```bash dephell venv entrypoint --env=typing dephell-typing ``` Let's see what's inside the script (`cat /home/gram/.local/bin/dephell-mypy`): ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash cd /home/gram/Documents/dephell /home/gram/.local/share/dephell/venvs/dephell-nLn6/typing/bin/mypy --ignore-missing-imports --allow-redefinition dephell $@ ``` Now we can call the given script from another project without changing dirs and poking around with environments: ```bash dephell-mypy --help ``` ## Use cases 1. Make a quick alias for a command you run really often. In the example above, we can type `dephell-mypy` instead of `dephell venv run --env=typing` and save a few precious seconds of life every day. 1. Create entrypoint to quickly get inside of project's [ipython](https://ipython.org/) shell on your production server: `dephell venv entrypoint --command=ipython` 1. Expose your project's entrypoint from it's venv into the system. Almost the same as [dephell jail install](cmd-jail-install) but for your local project. ## See also 1. [dephell venv create](cmd-venv-create) to create a venv. 1. [dephell deps install](cmd-deps-install) to install project deps in a venv. 1. [dephell venv run](cmd-venv-run) to run a command in a venv. 1. [dephell venv shell](cmd-venv-shell) to activate a venv for your current shell. 1. [dephell jail install](cmd-jail-install) to install a third-party CLI tool into a separate venv. 1. [dephell project register](cmd-project-register) to make the project importable from anywhere in your system.