# dephell venv create Create virtual environment for current project and environment. Always create virtual environment before executing [dephell deps install](cmd-deps-install) or [dephell package install](cmd-package-install) if you want them to install packages into special virtual environment. Otherwise, these commands will use your current virtual environment (or global interpreter). Path to virtual environment contains these substitutions: + `{project}` will be replaced by the project name (name of path from `project` option, this is name of the current directory by default). + `{digest}` will be replaced by the short 4-letters digest of the project path to avoid conflicts for the projects with the same name in different locations. + `{env}` will be replaced by current environment (`main` by default). So, virtual environment unique for every project and environment by default. For example, create virtual environment for `docs` environment of current project: ```bash $ dephell venv create --env=docs ``` Get venv path template with [dephell inspect config](cmd-inspect-config) command: ```bash $ dephell inspect config --filter=venv /home/gram/.local/share/dephell/venvs/{project}-{digest}/{env} ``` Get path to the current venv (if created) with [dephell inspect venv](cmd-inspect-venv) command: ```bash $ dephell inspect venv venv /home/gram/.local/share/dephell/venvs/dephell-nLn6/main ``` ## See also 1. [How DepHell choose Python interpreter](python-lookup). 1. [dephell deps install](cmd-deps-install) to install project dependencies into created virtual environment. 1. [dephell package install](cmd-package-install) to install package into created virtual environment. 1. [dephell jail install](cmd-jail-install) to install Python CLI tools into isolated virtual environment. 1. [dephell venv destroy](cmd-venv-destroy) to remove virtual environment. 1. [dephell venv run](cmd-venv-run) to run tool from virtual environment. 1. [dephell venv shell](cmd-venv-shell) to activate virtual environment for current shell.