# dephell vendor download Download and extract project dependencies in a given directory. ```bash dephell vendor download --from=requirements.txt --vendor-path=my_project/_vendor/ ``` Some packages can be nightly and not ready for vendorization. So, you can exclude them: ```toml [tool.dephell.vendorized] from = {format = "pip", path = "requirements.txt"} [tool.dephell.vendorized.vendor] path = "my_project/_vendor" exclude = ["jinja2", "setuptools"] ``` And then: ```bash dephell vendor download --env=vendorized ``` How to find out packages that can't be vendorized? Do experiment: 1. `git checkout .` 1. Vendorize. 1. [Patch imports](cmd-vendor-import) 1. Try to run your project. 1. Have `ImportError` or `AttributeError`? Add this package into `exclude` list and try again. ## See also 1. [vendor commands index](index-vendor) to read more about vendorization. 1. [dephell vendor import](cmd-vendor-import) to patch all imports in your project.