# dephell self auth Manage credentials: add, update, remove. These credentials are used for [Basic HTTP authentication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication) for [custom PyPI repositories](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0503/). Add new credentials: ```bash $ dephell self auth pypi.example.com my-useranme "my-p@ssword" INFO credentials added (hostname=pypi.example.com, username=my-useranme) ``` Remove credentials for user: ```bash $ dephell self auth pypi.example.com my-useranme INFO credentials removed (hostname=pypi.example.com, username=my-useranme) ``` Remove credentials for all users for given hostname: ```bash $ dephell self auth pypi.example.com INFO credentials removed (hostname=pypi.example.com, count=1) ``` Credentials are stored in global config. If you add credentials for `example.com`, they will be used in all projects to connect to `example.com`. ## See also 1. [Private PyPI repository](use-warehouse) usage details and examples. 1. [dephell inspect auth](cmd-inspect-auth) to list added credentials. 1. [dephell deps install](cmd-deps-install) to install dependencies from private repository.