# dephell project build Build dist packages for the project: 1. Get dependencies from `from` parameter. 1. Make `setup.py` and `README.rst`. 1. Make [egg-info](https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/formats.html). 1. Make sdist (archived project source code and egg-info). 1. Make [wheel](https://pythonwheels.com/). After all you can use [twine](https://github.com/pypa/twine/) to upload it on PyPI. ## Example ```bash $ dephell project build --from pyproject.toml $ twine upload dist/* ``` ## See also 1. [dephell deps convert](cmd-deps-convert) for details how DepHell converts dependencies from one format to another. 1. [dephell project bump](cmd-project-bump) to bump project version. 1. [dephell project upload](cmd-project-upload) to upload dist packages (on PyPI or somewhere else). 1. [dephell project test](cmd-project-test) to see how the project behaves on a clean installation. 1. [Full list of config parameters](params)