# dephell package downloads Get downloads statistic for package from [PyPI.org](https://pypi.org/). This command works with amazing [PyPI Stats](https://pypistats.org/) API, God bless this service. ```bash $ dephell package downloads textdistance { "pythons": [ { "category": "35", "chart": "▅▂▄▃▁▂▄ ▇█▄▄▆█▄ ▂▂▄▅▁▁▄ ▅▄▅▄▁▁▄", "day": 120, "month": 3726, "week": 786 }, ... ], "systems": [ { "category": "Linux", "chart": "▄▄▅▃▂▁█ ▇█▄▄▄▄▄ ▅▃▄▅▁▁▄ ▅▃▅▄▁▁▄", "day": 259, "month": 6947, "week": 1421 }, ... ], "total": { "day": 284, "month": 8751, "week": 1731 } } ``` ## Fields + `pythons` -- statistic by python versions. + `systems` -- statistic by operating systems. + `total.day` -- total downloads yesterday. + `total.week` -- total downloads for previous 7 days. + `total.month` -- total downloads from yesterday to the same day in the previous month. + `pythons.#.chart` and `systems.#.chart` -- downloads bar chart for last 28 days grouped by 7 days. + `pythons.#.day` and `systems.#.day` -- total downloads yesterday. + `pythons.#.week` and `systems.#.week` -- total downloads for previous 7 days. + `pythons.#.month` and `systems.#.month` -- total downloads for previous 30 days. ## Filtering This command, as all commands with JSON output, supports [filtering](filters). For example, get only month stat for pythons: ```bash dephell package downloads textdistance --filter="pythons.#.category+month.each()" [ { "category": "27", "month": 332 }, ... ] ``` ## See also 1. [How to filter commands JSON output](filters). 1. [dephell package show](cmd-package-show) to get information about package. 1. [dephell package search](cmd-package-search) to search packages on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/).