# dephell inspect versioning Shows info about project versioning scheme and current version. ```bash $ dephell inspect versioning { "rules": { "supported": [ "init", "local", "major", "minor", "patch", "pre", "premajor", "preminor", "prepatch", "release" ], "unsupported": [ "dev", "post" ] }, "scheme": "semver", "version": "0.7.9" } ``` Read about schemes and rules in [dephell project bump](cmd-project-bump) docs. ## See also 1. [dephell project bump](cmd-project-bump) to bump project version. 1. [dephell inspect project](cmd-inspect-project) to get information about the project metainfo. 1. [dephell inspect config](cmd-inspect-config) to get information about the project configuration.