# dephell inspect config Shows current dephell config options. You can combine it with different arguments to inspect dephell behavior. ## Show all config ```bash $ dephell inspect config { "bin": "/home/gram/.local/bin", "bitbucket": "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0", "cache": { "path": "/home/gram/.local/share/dephell/cache", "ttl": 3600 }, "envs": [ "main" ], ... "warehouse": "https://pypi.org/pypi/" } ``` ## Filter output Show one section: ```bash $ dephell inspect config --filter=from { "format": "poetry", "path": "pyproject.toml" } ``` Show one value: ```bash $ dephell inspect config --filter=from-format poetry $ dephell inspect config --filter=warehouse https://pypi.org/pypi/ ``` ## Combine it with arguments ```bash $ dephell inspect config --from-path=lol --filter=from { "format": "poetry", "path": "lol" } $ dephell inspect config --from=setup.py --filter=from { "format": "setuppy", "path": "setup.py" } ``` ## See also 1. [dephell generate config](cmd-generate-config) to initialize DepHell config for project. 1. [How dephell works with config and parameters](config). 1. [Full list of config parameters](params). 1. [How to filter commands JSON output](filters).